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On this page you will find a weekly newsletter containing important messages and information about upcoming dates, along with a round up of the weeks events.

27th September 2024

13th September 2024

26th July 2024

12th July 2024

28th June 2024

14th June 2024

Calendar Of Events

Calendar of Events

Important dates for 2024/25: 

Please note the dates shown may be subject to change and additional dates may also be added throughout the year, so please check the website periodically for updates.





02/09/2024 - Non Pupil Day

03/09/2024 - Pupils return to school

10/09/2024 - EYFS Parent Partnership Meeting

11/09/2023 - Meet the Teacher

18/09/2024 - Swimming starts for years 1 & 5 (classes to be confirmed)

24/09/2024 - FFG Reception Disco

25/09/2024 to 27/09/2024 - Book Fair

30/09/2024 - Year 6 SATs and Transition Meeting (18:00)

02/10/2024 - Sibling School Photographs

03/10/2024 - Individual School Photographs

11/10/2024 - Lower Key Stage 2  trip to Colchester Castle

16/10/2024 - FFG Cake Sale (Earth & Comet) 15:15

16/10/2024 - Parents Evening 15:30 - 19:30

17/10/2024 - Parents Evening 15:30 - 17:30

17/10/2024 - Reception 2025 Intake Open Morning (9:15-11:00)

18/10/2024 - Finish 15:15 for half term

21/10/2024 to 01/11/2024 - HALF TERM

04/11/2024 - Pupils return to school

07/11/2024 - Sun Class Assembly (9:00)

12/11/2024 - Reception 2025 Intake Open Afternoon (13:30-15:00)

18/11/2024 - Reception 2025 Intake Open Evening (18:00-19:30)

22/11/2024 - FFG Dare to be Different Day 

25/11/2024 - Whole School Flu Immunisation (Parent authorisation requested)

28/11/2024 - Neptune Class Assembly (09:00)

03/12/2024 - Earth Class Assembly (09:00)

06/12/2024 - Key Stage 2 Panto trip 

06/12/2024 - Reception and Key Stage 1 Polar Express Day

tbc - Reception Nativity Dress Rehearsal

11/12/2024 - Reception Nativity Performance (09:30)

12/12/2024 - Reception Nativity Performance (13:30)

17/12/2024 - Christmas Concert (KS1 09:00 and KS2 13:45)

18/12/2024 - FFG Wear Something Christmassy Day

18/12/2024 - Whole School Christmas Lunch

18/12/2024 - FFG Christmas Disco (15:45 - 16:45 EYFS & 17:00-18:00 Lower KS2)

19/12/2024 - FFG Christmas Disco (15:45 - 16:45 KS1 & 17:00-18:00 Upper KS2)

20/12/2024 - Finish 13:00 for Christmas 

23/12/2024 to 03/01/2025 - CHRISTMAS BREAK




06/01/2025 - NON-PUPIL DAY

07/01/2025 - Pupils return to school

29/01/2025 - FFG Cake Sale (Sun & Mars) 15:15

12/02/2025 - FFG Valentines Neon Disco (15:45 - 16:45 EYFS & 17:00-18:00 Lower KS2)

13/02/2025 - FFG Valentines Neon Disco (15:45 - 16:45 KS1 & 17:00-18:00 Upper KS2)

14/02/2025 - Finish 15:15 for half term

17/02/2025 to 21/02/2025 - HALF TERM

24/02/2025 - Pupils return to school

27/02/2025 - Moon Class Assembly (9:00)

06/03/2025 - World Book Day (dress up day)

06/03/2025 - Venus Class Assembly (9:00)

12/03/2025 - Saturn Class Assembly (9:00)

tbc - Year 4 Residential Information Meeting 15:30

bc - Year 6 Residential Information Meeting 16:00

19/03/2025 to 26/03/2025 - Book Fair

02/04/2025 - FFG Cake Sale (Moon & Neptune) 15:15

01/04/2025 - Parents Evening 15:30 - 19:30

02/04/2025- Parents Evening 15:30 - 17:30

04/04/2025 - Finish 13:00 for Easter Break

19/04/2025 - FFG Easter Fun Day (details tbc)

07/04/2025 to 21/04/2025 - EASTER BREAK




22/04/2025 - Pupils return to school

24/04/2025 - Class Photographs

05/05/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY

08/05/25 to 10/05/25 - Year 4 Residential

12/05/2025 to 17/05/2025 - KS2 SATs Week

16/05/2025 - FFG Colour Run (details tbc)

21/05/2025 - FFG Cake Sale (Saturn & Jupiter) 15:15

23/05/2025 - Finish 15:15 for Half term 

26/05/2025 - 30/05/2025 - HALF TERM

02/06/2025 - NON-PUPIL DAY

03/06/2025 - Pupils return to school

07/06/2025 - FFG Outdoor Film Night (details tbc)

09/06/2025 to 13/06/2025 - Year 4 Multiplication Check test window

09/06/2025 to 13/06/2025 - Year 6 Residential

09/06/2025 to 13/06/2025 - Phonics Screening Check week

10/06/2025 - Year 5 Careers Festival

12/06/2025 - Jupiter Class Assembly (9:00)

27/06/2025 - Sports Day

tbc - Helena Romanes Year 6 Induction Day

tbc - Upper Key Stage 2 Celebration Concert (15:45)

tbc - Key Stage 1 Celebration Concert (15:45)

tbc- Lower Key Stage 2 Celebration Concert (15:45)

tbc - Moving up afternoon and Open Evening (18:00 - 19:30)

18/07/2025 - FFG Flitch Fest

tbc - Year 6 Production (14:00 & 18:00)

tbc - Year 6 leavers assembly (14:15)

23/07/2025 - FFG Cake Sale (Reception & Venus) 15:15

25/07/2025 - Finish 13:00 for Summer Break

28/07/2025 - Non Pupil Day

29/07/2025 - Non Pupil Day



Family Group Cup

Family Group Cup

There are four family groups at the Academy based on NASA Space Shuttles (listed below). Each family group have also been allocated a colour to make things a little easier for the younger children. Siblings who attend the Academy are always placed in the same family group. Tokens are allocated to children throughout the year for hard work, being kind and polite, being helpful, taking part in sports activities and exceptional behaviour to name a few. Tokens are collected in a central area in the Academy’s Discovery Centre and the family group with the most tokens at the end of the academic year wins the family group cup!


The winners for 2023/24 are Columbia!













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